A boy poses with a giant barb on the Tonle Sap River near Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The fish, landed as bycatch by a local fishing operation,...

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A boy poses with a giant barb on the Tonle Sap River near Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The fish, landed as bycatch by a local fishing operation,...
Chinese sturgeons are seasoned travelers, undertaking a round-trip journey of some 2,000 miles (3,500 kilometers) every year from the Ea...
The giant stingray is one of the world's largest freshwater fish, but it's also cloaked in mystery. No one is sure how many gia...
The river catfish may be overshadowed by its famed cousin, the Mekong giant catfish, which shares the same river system in Southeast As...
The Eurasian giant trout, or taimen, is the world's largest salmonid. Once found over large areas of Russia, Mongolia, and China, the...
A climber in Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula wears a gas mask to keep noxious volcanic fumes out of his lungs. The vital organs filter ai...
The ancient Egyptians thought so little of brain matter they made a practice of scooping it out through the nose of a dead leader before ...